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pCloud 3.11.8

pCloud 3.11.5

PCloud offers cloud storage and sharing options that make it safer and simpler to access and manage data than ever before.

One of the best things about pCloud is how simple it is to access files both online and off, even if you don’t have an internet connection. You may upload files of any size without worrying about the service imposing restrictions.

PCloud gives 10 GB of free

The upload and download speeds are also solely determined by the Internet Service Provider (ISP). Depending on the plan, previous versions of saved data are kept for 30 to 180 days.

A virtual hard drive for each desktop client is provided by “PCloud Drive,” a specialized piece of software. All pCloud-enabled devices immediately sync file modifications. After configuring a few synchronization options, it’s feasible to use the data without a computer.

The TLS / SSL protocols used by pCloud to transmit files secure them from unauthorized access by replicating them across at least three different server locations in the company’s Dallas data center.

In addition, pCloud Crypto, an optional security layer, is available as part of the service. Using client-side encryption, users may lock certain files. Only data in encrypted form is uploaded to the servers; the encryption is handled by the client. Each file and folder is encrypted with 4096-bit RSA private user keys and 256-bit AES keys. Data authentication is done during decryption by generating data hash methods and then comparing the results.

The encryption keys are not kept on the pCloud servers and are not accessible to the business because of the zero-knowledge privacy standard set by the service. Only the person who created the Crypto Pass has access to it. Free of charge (up to 10 GB).

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